Friday, March 8, 2013

Baden-Baden: Because One Baden Just Doesn't Cut It

I arrived in Baden-Baden with plenty of time to see some of the night life.  Baden-Baden is located in southwest Germany near the border of France.
This illustrates approximately where I am
 Around 2,000 years ago, the Romans built and used bath houses here.  This is the main reason for the city's name.  Not surprisingly, modern-day spas are plentiful in Baden-Baden for those who wish to be expensively pampered.  Baden-Baden caters itself to catering to you.  Tourism appears to be a large part of their economy.

A promotional video for Baden-Baden
As soon as I got into town I headed straight for the Kurhaus.  The Kurhaus is one of the main destinations in Baden-Baden.  Built in the 1820s, the Kurhaus houses a spa, casino, restaurant, and more.  Many famous visitors have come here.  Fyodor Dostoyevsky supposedly wrote his novel The Gambler after losing all of his money here.
The Kurhaus
 Since it was getting late in the evening I decided that most of the action would probably be in the casino.  Boy was I rightThe German a cappella group HardTchor was just about to begin a performance.  It was a show I'll never forget.
HardTchor FTW!

 How have I not heard of these guys

An hour and a half of a cappella had put me in the mood for some gambling.  I don't normally gamble since the accident but I decided what the hell.  If it was good enough for Dostoyevsky, it was good enough for me (Plus a lot of the money probably goes to the schools anyway).
Casino in Baden-Baden
 I had to rent a tie and jacket to even be allowed at the tables.  They also made me ditch my Stuttgartian cupcakes I had been schlepping around.  It didn't take long at the tables to realize that I wasn't going to be leaving with anymore money than I came in with.  It was late and I was tired.  I asked around to see if I could find a good hotel.  Someone told me about a place called Hotel Am Markt.  It was nearby and inexpensive, which was a big deal to me considering how much money I lost at the Casino.

Hotel Am Markt
A room by itself would've costed €36.  I got a room with a shower, toilet, and TV, which costed  €50.  In a town called Baden-Baden, you have to have your own bathroom.  The price also included a breakfast buffet.
My room
 As soon as I hit the bed I fell right to sleep.  It's a good thing I set my alarm or else I would have slept all day.   

Somehow I dirtied all my towels up and needed more.  Thankfully, the staff at Hotel Am Markt was there to help.
Hilda was a doll
I decided to take advantage of the breakfast buffet.  I was hungry and wanted to get on my way.

Superb Value
It was almost time to hit the road again, but before I left Baden-Baden I wanted to see the Roman bath ruins.  The weather forecast wasn't exactly promising today.  The high was expected to be 14°C which isn't too bad.  Unfortunately it was going to be cloudy all day with sporadic rain showers.
Cartoon Depiction of Probable Weather Circumstances
 Thankfully the bath ruins weren't too far from my hotel, so I decided a short walk would be nice.  On the way there you'll never guess who I ran into.  Give up? It was my new favorite German      a capella group HardTchor.  I went up and congratulated them on a spectacular show last night.  Before I knew it, we were at a nearby park just goofing around.  I guess you could say we're homies now.
We had to kick a bunch of kids off the slide for this photo.  BTW, totally worth it.
I said my goodbyes to HardTchor and made my way to the bath ruins.  It cost me 2,50.  I took a guided tour which taught me lots of history.  Primarily, that 2,000 years ago a bunch of Romans took baths and hung out here.
I wouldn't take a bath there anymore.
I decided it was time to hit the road again at this point.  I hopped on a bus and headed 89km north to Heidelberg.  

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